Discover ICCHĀ! A record in collaboration with Micha Volders
> here you can pre-order the vinyl record
> here you can listen to ‘OK GO’ the first single of the record
In our webshop you’ll also find One Song scarves – made in Belgium & produced by Filles à Papa & the vinyls of One Song,Ghost Writer and The Broken Hand Break & Fruits of Labour
Ghost Writer and the Broken Hand Break
Sportband / Afgetrainde Klanken
Huilend Hert / Aangeschoten Wild
Miet Warlop (°1978) is a Belgian visual artist born in Torhout. She lives and works between Ghent and Brussels. Miet Warlop holds a master’s degree in Visual Arts from KASK, Ghent. For her graduation project Huilend Hert, Aangeschoten Wild, an ‘inhabited installation consisting of six tableaux vivants and a crawling subject’, she won the Franciscus Pycke Jury Award and the residence prize for Young Theatre Work 2004.
Many other performances, actions and projects followed and in 2005 she premiered SPORTBAND / Afgetrainde Klanken a forty-minute performance, in which twenty people race against time through music and sports. In the context of Lovepangs (Vooruit, 2005) she created the one-on-one performance Cherish the Cherries. From January 2006 until November 2007 Warlop was one of the six artists of DE BANK (Arts Centre CAMPO, Ghent), where she was working on her series of ‘Propositions’, named Big Heap / Mountain. In between, she was responsible for the set design for performances by Pieter Genard, Raven Ruëll, DitoDito-Jef Lambrecht, KVS (Brussels), Arts Centre Vooruit (Ghent) and Les Ballets C de la B (Ghent).
While she was touring the ‘Propositions’ all over Europe, she realised Springville, a fifty-minute game of chaos, expectations and surprises, in which scenography, costumes, props and characters are closely interwoven and merged together. Springville premiered in May 2009 at Arts Centre BUDA (Kortrijk).
Miet Warlop moved to Berlin for three years to concentrate on her visual work and prepare a new piece called Mystery Magnet, which premiered at KunstenFestivalDesArts (Brussels) in May 2012. Mystery Magnet Won the Stuckemarkt Theatertreffen Prize at the Berliner Festspiele for its innovative form of theatre. Mystery Magnet has played more than a hundred times all over the world and was nominated for Theatertreffen Berlin for finding a new way of making stage-arts. Mystery Magnet is still touring all over Europe and beyond.
In the course of 2012-2013 Miet Warlop explored different possibilities with her Nervous Pictures and performances/interventions, through projects and commissions, both in a visual arts as in theatre context in/with Baltic Triennial (Vulnius), Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin), Lisson Gallery (London), Southard Reid Gallery (London). In November 2012, as part of her four-year associated artist residency at Beursschouwburg (Brussels), she created the opening event of the season with the Alligator Project: a weekend of combined media and performances by different artists and musicians like Reggie Watts and Michael Portnoy, a project curated by Miet Warlop.
In 2014 Miet Warlop started her own legal structure Miet Warlop / Irene Wool. In October 2014 the first production Dragging the Bone premiered at Beursschouwburg (Brussels). Dragging the Bone is a solo performance on a sculptured world.
In 2015 Miet Warlop opened the festivities that celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of Beursschouwburg (Brussels) with Rocket that took off to the grid. Also, Art Gallery Barbican (London) commissioned a performance as a part of the project Station to Station, hosted by Doug Aitken.
While touring her solo Dragging the Bone and celebrating the hundredth show of Mystery Magnet in Ghent, Porto and Bordeaux, she finishes the year by opening her first solo exhibition project in KIOSK Gallery (Ghent) titled Crumbling Down the Circle of my Iconoclasm.
In 2016 a new large scale stage work premiered – Fruits of Labor, a deep night choreographical concert performance, functioning as a painkiller for the world. Fruits of Labor premiered at KunstenFestivalDesArts (Brussels) in May 2016 and is still touring around the world.
In addition to her performance work for theatre venues, Miet Warlop has created and presented an ever-growing cycle of visual art performances, interventions and live installations.
Nervous Pictures has been presented in 2017 in KW Institute for Contemporary Art (Berlin), Palais de Tokyo (Paris), Performatik (Brussels), among others.
In 2017 she opens Arts Institute Vooruit (Ghent) with the monumental performance Amusement Park, and she was invited by BOZAR (Brussels) within the context of the Yves Klein retrospective exhibition to re-envision and re-stage her seminal work, Mystery Magnet, as well as to create the opening performance of the exhibition, HORSE, a man, a woman, a desire for adventure and Mystery Magnet. During the closing ceremony of the Paul Bury exhibition the visual art intervention, The Board is presented.
Festival Actoral. 17 (Marseille) invites Miet Warlop for “L’Objet des Mots”, which results in a new project Ghost Writer and the Broken Hand Break – a production that premieres in September 2018 at NTGent (Ghent). Warlop cooperates with author and curator Raimundas Malasauskas and musician Pieter De Meester.
Beginning of 2018 Miet Warlop creates Big Bears Cry Too, a solo performance with Wietse Tanghe. This performance for all ages premiered at hetpaleis (Antwerp) in April 2018.
Both performances are successfully touring since then. Together with Fruits of Labor and Mystery Magnet, no fewer than eighty-five performances were played in 2019 between Belgium and abroad: Switzerland, France, Germany, Hungary, Norway, Austria, the Netherlands, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Great Britain, Spain, Singapore and Canada.
In 2020 Miet Warlop / Irene Wool starts a collaboration with Frans Brood Productions and this results in the programmation of many performances, nationally and internationally. However, since the outbreak of Covid-19, only a few of the planned shows could be performed; the remaining dates have been moved to 2021 and 2022.
During the Covid lockdown, Miet Warlop started a series of online episodes titled Slamming Doors: a sitcom format that will function as a pleasure platform for the artist practice, collaborations, sources, and open talks . . . A series of episodes has been produced to go against the age-old niche thinking about art and experiencing art, gradually gaining popularity, and transcend the live performance’s momentum.
Moreover, Miet Warlop / Irene Wool has developed the idea to create an online platform to share a live database with archive material with a glimpse into the daily artist practice.
In autumn 2021, Miet Warlop is revisiting the twelve-year-old piece Springville under the new title After All Springville. Warlop commemorates her much-loved piece in a new era and repositions the work within her oeuvre. The revival mixes an existing show (Springville) and an installation (Amusement Park) into a new whole and premiered in August 2021 at the Internationales Sommerfestival Kampnagel (Hamburg).
Miet Warlop / Irene Wool created ONE SONG : Histoire(s) du Théâtre IV (NTGent, 2022) in 2022, as the fourth director to accept the NTGent commission. ONE SONG premiered beginning of July at Festival d’Avignon. She is also researching on her new production, Delirium, in collaboration with Kunstenfestivaldesarts and Kaaitheater. Delirium will premiere in Spring 2025.
Dutch Theater Festival
2023 – The Netherlands – VSCD Mime and Performance Prize
for One Song – Histoire du Théâtre IV
Syndicat de la Critique
2023 – France – Prix de la Critique
for One Song – Histoire du Théâtre IV
Dutch Theater Festival
2022 – The Netherlands – VSCD Mime and Performance Prize
for After All Springville
Kontrapunkt Festival Jury Award
2015 – Poland – Best Performance Award
for Mystery Magnet
Stuckemarkt Prize
2014 – Berlin – Theatertreffen at Berliner Festspiele
for Mystery Magnet
Nomination Het TheaterFestival
2010 – Antwerp – DeSingel
for Springville
Kontrapunkt Festival Jury Award
2010 – Poland – Best Performance Award
for Grote Hoop/Berg Propositions
Audience Award
2004 – Ostend – Theater Aan Zee
for Huiled Hert/Aangeschoten Wild
Franciscus Pycke Jury Award
2003 – Ghent – KASK
for Huilend Hert/Aangeschoten Wild
2025, 60’ performance
Produced by Miet Warlop / Irene Wool vzw, NTGent
Histoire(s) du Théâtre IV : One Song
2022, 60’ performance
Produced by Miet Warlop / Irene Wool vzw, NTGent
After All Springville
2021, 45’ performance
Produced by Miet Warlop / Irene Wool vzw
Ghost Writer And The Broken Hand Break
2018, 50’ performance
Produced by Irene Wool vzw, NTGent, Arts Centre Vooruit Ghent
Big Bears Cry Too
2018, 45’ performance
Produced by Irene Wool vzw and hetpaleis Antwerp
Fruits Of Labor
2016, 55’ performance
Produced by Irene Wool vzw
The Violins
2015, 10’ performance
Produced by Irene Wool vzw and Gessenerallee Zurich
2015, 6’ performance
Produced by Irene Wool vzw and Beursschouwburg Brussels
Dragging The Bone
2014, 60’ solo performance
Produced by Irene Wool vzw and Lattitudes Contemporaines Lille
The Big Bad Cold
2013, 15’ performance
Produced by Miet Warlop and Lisson Gallery London
The View
2013, 20’ performance
Produced by Miet Warlop and Lisson Gallery London
Mystery Magnet
2012, 60’ performance
Produced by CAMPO, Arts Centre Vooruit Ghent and NXTSTP
With the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union
Air Ruin
Produced by Miet Warlop and Arts Centre BUDA Kortrijk
Act/Collection Trailerpark
Produced by We Love Productions, KunstenFestivalDesArts,
CAMPO Ghent and Arts Centre Vooruit Ghent
2010, lecture performance
Produced by Miet Warlop
2009, performance
Produced by Arts Centre BUDA Kortrijk, CAMPO Ghent,
Arts centre Vooruit Gent, We Love Productions, Workspace Brussels,
Festival Aan De Werf Utrecht
Big Heap/Mountain
Produced by THE BANK Victoria Ghent
Propostition 2: Reconstruction
Propostition 1: Reanimation
Cherish The Cherries
Produced by Miet Warlop and Arts Centre Vooruit Ghent
Sportband/Afgetrainde Klanken
Produced by Villanella Antwerp, Arts Centre Vooruit Ghent and Theater Aan Zee Ostend
Huilend Hert/Aangeschoten Wild
Produced by Miet Warlop
A Big Bad Cold
2018 – Jan Hoet Jr, Charivari, Oudenaarde
A View and The Board
2018 – Givenchy, Paris
Berlin Art Week
Retrospective / Marathon
Mystery Magnet, Dragging The Bone, Fruits of Labor
2017 – HAU, Berlin
The Board
2017 – Nocturne Pol Bury, BOZAR, Brussels
Nervous Pictures
2017 – Palais de Tokyo, Paris
A Big Bad Cold
2017 – Performatik, Beursschouwburg, Brussels
HORSE. A Man, A Woman, A Desire for Adventure
2017 – Opening Yves Klein, BOZAR, Brussels
Crumbling Down
2017 PERFORMATIK, Kaaitheater, Brussels
Amusement Park
2017 – Opening Arts Insitution Vooruit, Ghent
Nervous Pictures
2017 – Kunst-Werke, Berlin
Crumbling Down the Circle of my Iconoclasm
2015 KIOSK, Ghent
The Violins
2015 – Station To Station, Barbican, London
Staging Interruptions (Stream of Life)
2014 – Southard Reid, London
Fusiform Gyrus
curated by Raimundas Malasauskas
2013 – Lisson Gallery, London
Hebbel Opening
2012 – HAU, Berlin
Tragic Heroes
2012 – Baltic Triennial, Vulnius
Extentions (Screening)
2011 Rotterdamse Schouwburg, Rotterdam
In the Tradition of the Salon
2011 – Museum M, Leuven
2011 S&L Institute For Contemporary Art, Johannesburg, Durban (ZA)
2010 DE APPEL, Amsterdam
Art Belge Contemporain
2010 Le Fresnoy, Tourcoing
Play The Life (Electrified)
2010 – S.M.A.K., Ghent
Play The Life (Videos and Actions)
Striptease (Video)
2006 La Bâtie, Genève
Little Rudy
2006 – Croxhapox, Ghent
Shaman – Jan Devroede
2006 Vooruit, Ghent
Banket – Les Ballets C De La B
2005 Handelsbeurs, Ghent
La Mancha – Jef Lambrecht
2005 KVS, Brussels
2004 Arenbergschouwburg, Antwerp
Filmset – Les Ballets C De La B
2004 Paris
Caligula – Raven Ruel
2004 Theater Antigone, Kortrijk
Holosofie – Pieter Genard
2003 Theater Aan Zee, Ostend
Spa Bruis Festival – Dominique Hoste
2000 Kopergietery, Ghent
Rijnzand – Sam Bogaerts
2000 Theater De Waanzin, Ghent
Artistic Director
Miet Warlop
General Company Manager
Saskia Liénard
for all press related questions please whatsapp +32 496 55 1992
Contact and Bookings
Frans Brood Productions
Productional manager DELIRIUM: Sylvie Svanberg sylvie@mietwarlop.com
Technical coordinator DELIRIUM: Marjolein Demey marjolein@mietwarlop.com
Irene Wool vzw
Aannemersstraat 146, 9040 Gent BELGIUM
VAT BE0547.608.253
in situ tourmanager ONE SONG: Dana Tucker
in situ tourmanager AFTER ALL SPRINGVILLE: Michelle Vosters
general tourmanagement:
Studio Miet Warlop
Jetselaan 73, 1081 Koekelberg BELGIUM
visit our WEBSHOP here
With the support of Vlaamse overheid and stad Gent
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